Can you test zoom before meeting
Can you test zoom before meeting

can you test zoom before meeting

Encourage attendees to download the desktop client or app before the meeting.Finalize your presentation add poll questions as needed.Review the webinar and account settings to confirm they're to your liking.If you are expecting attendees from other countries, request an international dial-in code.If your webinar includes between 500 and 1,000 attendees, apply for a Large Webinar License.Decide whether your webinar will require attendees to register.Meet with panelists to confirm the webinar's structure and content.Assign webinar roles: host, co-hosts, panelists, and attendees.Confirm the date, time, title, and description for your webinar.Scheduling a Webinar with Registration: Includes video explanation and text content.Scheduling a Webinar without Registration: Includes video explanation and text content.Meeting and Webinar Best Practices and Resources: Includes PDF reference guides and live training information.Note: If this is your first time hosting a Zoom webinar, consider reviewing Zoom's articles and videos to become more familiar with webinars:

can you test zoom before meeting

If you're hosting a Zoom Video Webinar, these steps will help you create the best experience for your panelists, co-hosts, and attendees.

Can you test zoom before meeting