How to use sweetfx with master effects
How to use sweetfx with master effects

how to use sweetfx with master effects

11:42:10:695 | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' built on ' 11:58:17' loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\dxgi.dll" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\acs.exe". Showing it works, and it shuts down when I exit the simulation. I high lighted some lines for you near the bottom of this log file. Running one external hard drive that makes it 6.5 TB total.

how to use sweetfx with master effects

I updated my power source to run a bunch og hard drives. It ran fine when I had windows 8.0 I was going to buy bigger hard drives anyway. My smaller hard drive back then was runnung windows 8.2 and when I updated to windows 10, same thing. I had to buy a new hard drive and new copy of windows to get this to work. If you have windows 8.2 or higher you can give up now. It will not work with Windows 8.2 or higher. ReShade version of sweefx will work with windows OS 8.0 and lower. I run ReShade version of sweefx with Assetto Corsa with no problems.

How to use sweetfx with master effects